Version Compare and Item History

Use Item History to review change information for minor versions, and Version Compare to review differences between major versions.

Item History

Whenever a change is saved to an item, either in Item Authoring or in a Task, Surpass stamps out a new minor version, (e.g., 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, etc.) of the item and records summary information about the change in Item History. Click the Item History button at the bottom right of an item in to see what changes have been made to an item and when.

  • Each change entry displays the item version, person who made the change, timestamp for the change, item status, and change details.

  • Use the dropdown arrow in the Version column to expand multiple changes within a minor version.

  • Use the key at the bottom left of the screen to determine what types of changes were made.

  • If you are viewing history for an item in a set, the history also shows when changes were made to the set vignette, but not details on the changes.

  • Go to the item set and click Item History to view details on vignette changes.

Item History only includes summary change information. Use Version Compare to review content changes in detail.

Version Compare

Use Version Compare to view changes made betweenDraft and Interim Review versions of items, similar to the track changes feature in MS Word. Version Compare is for review purposes, and contains no editing functions.

Version Compare is available for item text and answer options, item set vignettes, Candidate Feedback, Citations, and essay item types.

Open Version Compare from the bottom right of Item Authoring or an item in a Review Task.

  1. Click Version Compare.
  2. Select the versions to compare using the dropdowns above each window.
  3. Slide Changes hidden at the bottom right to Changes visible to see differences between the selected item versions.
  4. The key in the lower left corner details how to interpret changes between versions.