Item sets

Item sets are used to group related items together under a shared vignette or lead-in. A set is composed of the item set container and multiple choice questions.

Create an item set

An item set consists of a set container, and the items within the set. You can use existing items or create new items to populate your set.

If you need multiple blank item sets for an Authoring Task, follow the instructions to import items.

Create an item set container

The item set container holds set items together, and includes content and metadata that is relevant to the set as a whole. Content within the set container displays along with the content for each item, and is only editable within the container. Metadata for the container

  1. Begin by creating an item set item container. Highlight your author's subject folder and click Create New Item from the top of the screen.

  2. When you have filters applied in the item list on the left side, the Create New Item button is inactive and a hover message appears saying you cannot create a new item with filtering on. Click the Clear All button at the bottom of the left pane to remove filters.

  3. Select Item Set from the list of item types.

  4. Name the item set.

  5. If you have vignette content, enter it in the text field. You can enter and edit text at any time after set container creation, as well.

  6. Content entered here is also editable within all items in the set and saves back to the vignette in the set container. Item History and Version Compare are available for item set container content.

  7. Leave the Section 2 options unchecked.

  8. Do NOT select the Allow randomization of item set or Fix the order of items checkboxes during item set creation. Selecting these interferes with adding, removing, and ordering the set items.

  9. If your set requires media, add it directly to Section 3 in the item set container and not any of the set component items. Media added here will display in all items in the set.

  10. Click Save and close out of the set container.

Add items to a set

After you create the item set container, it is added to the subject/folder you had selected during creation. You can add, remove, and reorder items in the set at any time, as long as the set is unlocked.

You can add a new, blank item to the set by selecting the item set container, then clicking the Create New Item button. The new item you create will automatically be added to the set.

To create an item set from existing items, create the set container first, and then add the items to it as below.

  1. Drag and drop the items for this set INTO the item set container.

  2. If individual items in the set were defined as enemies during pre-editing stage, you must undo the enemy relationships.

  3. Reorder the items by dragging and dropping them where they belong.

  4. Once all items are added and ordered in the set, go to the set container and select Fix the order of items to lock the set's item order. You can unlock this later if you need to. Click here for more information on locking item sets.

  5. Click Save.

Apply tags to item sets