Add media to an item

Add media

To associate media with an item, click Select Media in section 3 of the Item Authoring window. The NBME Media Library will open in a new window within Surpass.

Screen section for media

Working within the Media Library, you can add media to your items directly from search results or from My Media. You can also import new media files into Nuxeo to add to your item.

You can associate up to 30 assets with each item. The system will accept virtually any image or video file, but will not display file types such as MS Word or Excel files in the browser.

The contents of the Media Library window are specific to each item.

Viewing media in an item

Attached media displays by default in Preview mode.

In Edit mode:

  • Click the expansion icon to the right of the thumbnail to view an enlarged version of the item.

  • To return to the thumbnail view, click the expansion control in the expanded window.

  • Click the Media ID to open the image or video in the Media Library.

Reorder item media

If you need your assets to appear in a specific order, there are two ways to reorder them in section 3 of Item Authoring.

  1. Remove all of the assets from your item and add them again in the correct order.

  2. Replace assets individually so that they appear in the correct order.

Replace item media

To replace an asset in the item with a different one from your collection folder, click the asset to be replaced to reopen the Media Library .

Add the replacement media from the Media Library, or upload new media as necessary.

Once you submit media to an item, the Media Library window will close and the thumbnail for your new asset will be displayed in Surpass where the previous one was.

If the Media Library window does not automatically close, or your media does not appear in your item, refresh the browser window and try submitting your media again.

Remove media from an item

Remove selected assets from an item by clicking the X at the right side of the asset thumbnail.

Removing media from an item does not remove the asset from the Media Library.